Friday, October 31, 2003 |
(C)2003-2008, Bob K Mertz - Some Rights Reserved |
First off... the bear is in hiding... whatever that means... I think that means that Steve had enough of me abusing his bear and he took it home with him... now what will I do after I clean everything up at the hut? Work went pretty well tonight... it seemed we got CRUSHED for a while... ok, actually we did get crushed.... but our sales werent up because everyone was using the blasted entertainment coupons... so alot of what we made was free and such.... my P&A report... ok, in laymens terms, my coupon report was 2 pages long.... usually on weekdays it doesnt even hit a page. Its sucks when all that happens.... you go crazy trying to keep up with everything and then they look at the reports and say "you didnt really have that much business" ... oh well... such is life. Ok, I need some serious input on what im going to do this weekend.... besides go crazy. Tiffany is taking a trip into London.... she wont be back until Sunday night.... this means that I will not get to talk to her until at least Monday.... *sigh* This really sucks. Im working 9:30am-5:00pm on Monday now so if Tiff wants to talk to me on Monday, she will have to be online at 10pm her time... well, a little after that because I'll have to have time to get home... I'm not gonna ask her to do that... she needs her sleep.... I guess we'll see what happens. I got a really sweet email from her today... she called me her angel.... it really melted my heart.... she's my angle too tho... I love her soo much! I cant wait till I can see her. It's tough being apart. Oh.. and one more thought.... how can you dial an 832- phone number and think that your calling New Stanton? I can understand when we get calls at pizza hut from people who really want one of the other Greensburg huts.... but New Stanton? Come on.... people never fail to amaze me at their stupidity. (C)2003-2008, Bob K Mertz - Some Rights Reserved |
Wednesday, October 29, 2003 |
Tonight I got to talk to Steve (my one best friend from Mass.) ... it was nice to talk to him since it has been a while... it was good to get caught up on everything. Maybe one day I'll blog about how we met... its a pretty neat story, I guess :) Tiff and I are getting ever more stronger. Yesterday was a good day for my attitude with Tiff. I talked about the whole ring situation with a few people.... most people kinda ... well, Vanetta said that I am a much stronger person than she knows because of the fact that I want Jim and Tiff to still be friends. Granted, I dont want her to keep the ring, but I do want them to be friends. Somehow I can just trust her in this situation... which is really good for a relationship and something that Tiff and I definately have: Trust! Patty at work said I was stupid... and I definately see her point. She said that I should think about it because Tiff and I were friends before she broke up with him and look what happened in that situation. I agree... but somehow I just know that Tiffany is serious enough to stay true to me. Granted, if I ever found out that some ended up happening between her and Jim it would hurt things tremendously.... but I dont think I have to worry... I completely trust her... Diana even agreed with me... she said that alot of people say "once a cheater, always a cheater" ... not always true... sometimes you get stuck in some very weird circumstances... and that is what happened with Tiffany. Tiffany and I are in love... we are soulmates... Ive known that since a few weeks after I met her, and although she never admitted to it, I really think she believed it shortly after I did. I know she definately believes it now... she's become so sweet too since the break up... I mean, she was always very sweet... but now she's even sweeter.... she's such an amazing girl. I cant even begin to describe how much I love her. Well, speaking of Tiff... I need to wake up at 6am to talk to her because after that, I wont get to talk to her until at least monday since she's going to London for the weekend. As a result, im going to bed. Good night everyone! (C)2003-2008, Bob K Mertz - Some Rights Reserved |
Tuesday, October 28, 2003 |
I've been talking to Tiff for about the past hour... I know what people mean when they say that making up is the best part about a fight... even though Tiffany and I really didnt have I fight... I now understand that. Alot of it was misunderstanding (and stupid lag on text messaging). One thing that I guess kinda bugged me was that she said she was going to keep Jim's ring. Maybe I dont fully understand that.... but we talked about it for a long time... at first she was irritated with me but I think eventually she understood where I was coming from. Granted, it bugs me... but I also dont think she could keep it for Jim's sake. She said she was going to talk to Jim about it... I hope that he will understand too... ultimately, I hope when she comes home she gives the ring back. I want her and Jim to be friends but I just think keeping the ring is a bad idea. We'll see what happens. Ultimately, Im more in love with Tiffany today than I have ever been... it just keeps getting stronger and stronger.... yesterday was bad but im glad that Tiff and I have this ability to get things out in the open. (C)2003-2008, Bob K Mertz - Some Rights Reserved |
Monday, October 27, 2003 |
More thoughts on the Tiff thing.... in one of the emails she sent me today she said something like I was too happy for the situation.. WTF... what the hell is that supposed to mean? Am I not supposed to be happy? Also she said that she really isnt as happy as she has been letting on... first of all, she wants to be honest with me... then she lies about being happy... if she's not happy with the decission she made, then maybe she shouldnt have made it. I dont know.... I'm just really frustrated and the more this day went on the more frustrated I got.... especially during the first game... I kept missing easy shots and just got more and more pissed about everything.... then also today in one the text messages she sent me she said f*ing... ok, she did censor it just like that, and it wasnt directed at me or used negatively.... but thats just not her. Whats going on? Well thank God I can go to bed in a few mins here.... I never have looked so forward to going to bed... the hell with this day. (C)2003-2008, Bob K Mertz - Some Rights Reserved |
(C)2003-2008, Bob K Mertz - Some Rights Reserved |
Sunday, October 26, 2003 |
I guess the reason why I havent really blogged recently is nothing new is really going on. Tiff and I are definately drawing closer and I am really happy about the way things are going. She got the flowers that I sent her, on... hmm I think it was Tuesday that she got them... she was soo happy... it was worth the money... by far.... but I still question... why do they cost so much? I mean they are natural and you can grow them anywhere... *shrug* regardless, it was well worth it seeing as how much she liked them.... im glad I boosted her spirits a little bit... she got them on a day that she was having a rough time anyway so that worked out. Other than the typical Tiff stuff, there is the typical Pizza Hut stuff. On Thursday night I ended up closing by myself in the kitchen... yea, that was fun. The closing cook never showed up... and of course it was one of my new hires.... I'm glad Tim and Jeff are working out really well because otherwise I'd feel like a failure... It looks like Bruce and Stephanie are on their way out the door... which is basically a good thing. We need employees that we can rely on and that actually come to work. And oh yea, how can I forget that I broke Steve's bear.... ok, I really felt bad about that one. I wrote a note in the manager log that his bear got drunk and then I opened the attic and had him peeking out of the hole in the ceiling looking down at a bunch of empty beer bottles.... well, when I first put him up there he ended up falling from the attic so I think thats what may have done it.... today he was talking fine but the last second he would stutter (in case you havent figured it out, its a bear with a pull string). Tonight I told Diana that I broke it and went to show her and it worked fine... so maybe his hangover wore off *shrug* ... I hope it continue to work because I do feel bad. Of course it wont stop me... more pranks to come :) Tonight after we closed Diana and I sat around talking for quite a while... it was really good to talk to someone... I really consider her a good friend.... Well, I think thats about all I can update everyone on right now. I'll blog tommorow even if its just my bowling scores. (C)2003-2008, Bob K Mertz - Some Rights Reserved |
Tuesday, October 21, 2003 |
(C)2003-2008, Bob K Mertz - Some Rights Reserved |
(C)2003-2008, Bob K Mertz - Some Rights Reserved |
Also today, i come home from lunch and look at my mail... mail from AES... my student loans are scheduled for repayment shortly... looks like next month I'll be paying on that... then I open my car insurance bill... it went up $31/month.... *sigh* I only had a small accident but apparently I previously had a huge discount because I have had no accidents and I lost that... so now im paying over $90 a month for insurance... that just plain sucks And now for the main event. Tiff broke up with Jim tonight. After she did it she called me crying... mainly because she was worried about him. I guess he just kept saying "I want to die, I want to die" ... it hurts me to see her cry.... not to mention I feel like shit about this whole situation. I never intended for any of this to happen... it just did. I asked her tonight if she wanted me to walk and let her and Jim continue on... she said no... it was done with and then said that she loved me. I still feel like I destroyed someone's life.... and this really hurts after watching what my aunt did to my uncle... I know that this sucks for Jim... and I really feel bad. To add to it all I talked to Jason about it and he wasnt supportive at all... I guess I cant expect him to be... he thinks im wrong... and I know that.... I guess I see his point too... thats why I feel like shit.... I know this is all gonna blow over and Tiff and I will be fine... I know that we are meant to be... I know that we will be happy together.... I still also hope that Tiff's mom can learn to like me too... I know that she hates my guts right now too.... this situation sucks, but I know that its moving in the right direction so im gonna try to get through this.... and I'll be praying for Tiff and mainly for Jim.... I hope God brings Jim a very special girl into his life soon.... I also hope that Tiff doesnt hold herself responsible for what happened... she did what she had to do.... (C)2003-2008, Bob K Mertz - Some Rights Reserved |
Sunday, October 19, 2003 |
(C)2003-2008, Bob K Mertz - Some Rights Reserved |
Saturday, October 18, 2003 |
(C)2003-2008, Bob K Mertz - Some Rights Reserved |
Thursday, October 16, 2003 |
The only depressing part of the day was the .. not really hassel, but somewhat about me having new years eve and new years day off. I volunteered to work thanksgiving day, christmas eve (all day), AND christmas day just so I could have those two off... I could even work an open shift on new years eve.... even patty agreed with me that that should be more than fair. I'll be really upset if I dont get that time off... its the first chance I'll have to see Tiff and I really want it to be special. (C)2003-2008, Bob K Mertz - Some Rights Reserved |
Tuesday, October 14, 2003 |
Did you know that the Franken Berry and Boo Berry cereals are back? I was just at Wal Mart and saw them... of course I had to pick up a box of Franken Berry.... Kari and I went to wal mart for a pitcher and some chocolate syrup and I ended up spending $38... *sigh* Matrix Reloaded is out tho so I had to buy the DVD. I also fixed my sub woofer today... I was impressed with myself. I took it out of the box and checked the wires and they were all tight... I came to the conclusion that the subwoofer was dead... something made me touch the wires from the amp to the lead wires into the cone and when I did that it worked so I cut the lead wire and soldered the lead wire back onto the terminal... after that it worked. Im happy to have some bass in my car again! (especially without having to spend $80 on a new sub) I got to talk to Tiff on the phone today... she called me around 3. It was really nice to hear her voice. I miss her so much. (C)2003-2008, Bob K Mertz - Some Rights Reserved |
Monday, October 13, 2003 |
For a while Patty, Diana, Vanetta, and myself talked about the situation with me and Tiff... nothing real in depth but anyway Vanetta explained how she was in the same situation that tiff was in (loving two people)... She explained how Rob just waited for her. The whole conversation made me feel really good. Im glad, looking back, that I never forced Tiff into making a decission... sure I said here in my blog that she really needed to make a decission but I never forced her to. Vanetta told me that I was doing the right thing by waiting for Tiff and everyone agreed that they wouldnt be able to do what I did. It looks like all of it is finally paying off... and I'm thankful for that. I love Tiffany alot... and I know that we will be happy together. (C)2003-2008, Bob K Mertz - Some Rights Reserved |
Saturday, October 11, 2003 |
Today was a very long day for me... I went into work at 8am and left at 9:45pm.... but it went pretty well. We trained one of my new hires tonight and he is working out pretty well. When I got home I had a couple emails from Tiff that really cheered me up.... stuff to just build my faith that this is gonna happen. I think Tiff has finally realized what ive seemingly known for quite some time: we are meant to be. I do feel bad though about Jim... this was never my intention... I guess its just truly what was meant to be... it just kinda happened. I know what it feels like to lose someone and I really have been praying for Jim... I hope that God brings him someone quickly and that he will be ok. I question whether im right or not but I guess that things happen for a reason. I guess I truly do know that this is what is supposed to happen.... Im going to have a fairly long day tommorow too... gotta go to the Y and finish working on the computer in there and I gotta do that before I go into work at 11:30.... so I should get to bed. Nite nite! (C)2003-2008, Bob K Mertz - Some Rights Reserved |
Thursday, October 09, 2003 |
(C)2003-2008, Bob K Mertz - Some Rights Reserved |
Wednesday, October 08, 2003 |
God really has truly blessed me with Tiffany and I know that we are going to be very happy together. I was able to talk to her for quite some time today. It was really awesome. I wish I could cuddle up next to her right now but I will be paitient. I know it may be tough since she may be going out of state for an internship and who knows where vet school will lead her... but im sure that we can remain strong through it all. (C)2003-2008, Bob K Mertz - Some Rights Reserved |
Monday, October 06, 2003 |
Im thinking this is gonna be an early night for me... I really cant wait to talk to Tiff tommorow.... I love her bunches! (C)2003-2008, Bob K Mertz - Some Rights Reserved |
(C)2003-2008, Bob K Mertz - Some Rights Reserved |
Sunday, October 05, 2003 |
(C)2003-2008, Bob K Mertz - Some Rights Reserved |
(C)2003-2008, Bob K Mertz - Some Rights Reserved |
Saturday, October 04, 2003 |
After that I took a nap since I really didnt get much sleep last night and then woke up later and went to the mall with my sisters. We actually had a good time, despite having to be stuck in stores such as American Eagle and the likes... but I lived. As soon as we got home Uncle Tim, Kaylynn, and Darby where at our house and we went to eat at Pitzer's with them. Prime Rib... mmmmm! The depressing part of the day was I didnt hear from Tiff at all. Usually I get something from her at least once a day but she must have been busy today. I still dont know where anything is going and I am still open to other girls... but I do miss her. :( (C)2003-2008, Bob K Mertz - Some Rights Reserved |
No new progessions on the me and tiff thing today. I miss her, but thats about it. I dont know what to expect in the next few weeks. I really think that this is going to be the final big situation between Tiff and I... it's either gonna make us or break us. I've been in this position before, and granted, since I have been, I know not to get my hopes up this time... but at the same time, if it doesnt work this time, I think all my hope will be violated and that may be something that may not be able to be gained back. I'm still looking though. Until I have a commitment from Tiff, i will continue looking for others. I'm not going to commit until I have commitment. (C)2003-2008, Bob K Mertz - Some Rights Reserved |
Thursday, October 02, 2003 |
(C)2003-2008, Bob K Mertz - Some Rights Reserved |
Wednesday, October 01, 2003 |
What a day... last night I had a dream that I was just hanging out with my grandfather (who passed away about this time last year). Today I had to go and clean out my grandmother's house since she moved into an appartment now that my grandfather isnt around... alot of memories... some that I didnt even have. Having to watch them throw away the train layout without ever getting to see it in action... that was pretty tough. This whole day has been tough... yaknow, one of those days where you just want to come home and talk to that one special person... except in my case you dont have that special person and even if the one closest to my special person WANTED to talk to me she couldnt anyway because she's in another time zone. Thank God my medicine is working... I would be a literal wreck right now if it wasnt... but im not depressed... i'm a bit pissed but im not depressed so thats good... I dont understand this situation at all... I guess im not supposed to. I guess secretly I was kinda hoping that tiff left me an email trying to talk me out of being this way... but forget it.. its not worth it... and its probably better anyway because she always seems to get me to a point where Im attached to her again and then it goes back to a "maybe" state... screw it... ive had enough of these games. (C)2003-2008, Bob K Mertz - Some Rights Reserved |
(C)2003-2008, Bob K Mertz - Some Rights Reserved |
(C)2008, Bob K Mertz - Some Rights Reserved

BibleBoy's Blog by Bob K Mertz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.