Sunday, September 05, 2004

"I never should have left Jim"
"I never should have left Tim"

At least there was the decency to change one letter, right?

I cant sit around my house... im going into work later. After I told all my therapists and doctors that there is ONE person that I could trust and that really cared about..... that person decides to make it known how she really feels today....

So, yea, I got no one......

(C)2003-2008, Bob K Mertz - Some Rights Reserved
don't even treat me like i am tiff. i was just making an observation to my life as of now and never said that i was going back to him. until the day i treat you like she did, don't compare me to her. i did nothing to you and if we are just friends then why did my blog bug you. it doesn't mean that we aren't friends even if i would end up with someone. i will always be here for you whether you like it or not, or believe it or not. but that is your choice not mine to make. yes bobby i am angry and i have a right to be as to where you don't because we are just friends. also like i said i never once said i didn't care about you and never said that i was going back to him but if you want it so that we don't talk then you need to tell me yourself not on my blog plus you can put things in your blog about how you feel without fear of being critizied so please don't judge my feelings.
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