Sunday, September 05, 2004

Ive been told multiple times by a couple friends that I need to forget about ALL the girls that I know and look for someone completely different. There was one I never wanted to let go of until today (and I am NOT talking about Tiff). But, things always have to get worse in my life... I cant rely on anything being stable. I've been reminded of how bad I hurt someone... someone that I thought forgave me but I guess didnt.

It always happens.... just as I really seriously start believing someone cares about me, that person decides they would have been better off if they never met me. I guess I really am I mental paitient for good reason.... im so screwed up in the head no one can continue to care for me...

This is my life... and I'll again learn to live with it.

(C)2003-2008, Bob K Mertz - Some Rights Reserved
bobby my blog wasn't to say that i wish i never met you it was just saying that if none of this happened then you wouldn't be where you are at right now. i mightbe wrong but i think that if is wasn't for me then you could have made things better with tiff i don't know but that is how i feel
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