Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Well, I'm not feeling too bad today.... which is good... especially considering I have no money again and already im seeing not only my next pay check but the one after that totally dissappear... in a few days, I will start working on my third paycheck from now.... It's all in God's Hands tho.... there have been some people help me out and I really appriciate it. This is so tough.... especially since I hate having to borrow money.... Hopefully someday soon I'll be making enough money to not only pay my bills but to pay back everyone that has been helping me out.

I was in PA this weekend... it was nice. Got to see Tanya and Eli.... I miss that little boy so much. He is my little buddy... no argument about that. It just does something to me when he cries because I have to leave. I cant wait till Tanya brings him down here to visit so I can take him to the Air and Space museum, see the president's house... and ride the train that goes underground (thats the metro/subway for those of you that dont speak 5 year old).

As for now... its back into my work week in an hour here.... I hope this week goes pretty smooth.... This weekend Lori and Kari are coming to visit... so I'm looking forward to that.

Thats all for now... I'm sure there will be more soon! :)

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