Monday, December 05, 2005

You know what is killing me even more? This is my first apartment and the only times anyone came to visit me were when I begged.... Not even my local friends come visit me.... Heck, even when I was dating Tiff it was the hardest thing ever to convince her to come visit me..... And she was only down here like 3 times in the 5 months we were together while I lived in VA..... And now I will not have my own apartment anymore.... I'm looking forward to having a room mate..... Maybe because I'd actually be around someone..... But, yes, I'm gonna miss having my own place.... But really, what does it matter if no one is here to share it with..... I couldn't even share it with my girlfriend while I had one....... No ones really interested in my place..... Are they even interested in me? Maybe people are scared of me or I just annoy people.... I don't know...... But I have no one to share any of the joy in my life with......

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