Sunday, October 29, 2006 |
(23:23:51) jodi: i've heard of it (23:23:55) jodi: i know it's old school (23:23:59) jodi: but i don't know what it is (23:28:03) bobkmertz: the old web (23:28:12) bobkmertz: (23:29:08) jodi: hrm, okay (23:29:21) jodi: thanks :) (23:30:38) bobkmertz: np (23:30:45) bobkmertz: I actually started using the internet with gopher (23:31:30) bobkmertz: then I found a big book called "The Internet Yellow Pages" and the web was soooooo much more user friendly (23:31:38) bobkmertz: and then came WebCrawler and the web was great (23:31:48) bobkmertz: and AOL saw webcrawler and saw that it was good (23:32:11) bobkmertz: so AOL bought webcrawler on the 7th day so that the world could rest by not being able to have something functional (23:32:45) jodi: heh (23:33:14) bobkmertz: then Digital Equipment saw that the web sucked again and teamed up for AltaVista (23:33:39) bobkmertz: many other companies created search engines which were good (23:33:50) bobkmertz: Compaq buys DEC and AltaVista begins to sucketh (23:34:04) bobkmertz: Lycos realizes that search engines are great and work so they buy them all (23:34:18) bobkmertz: And in the end times, it is said that there will come something great that will bring peace (23:34:23) bobkmertz: Google has now come (23:34:25) bobkmertz: and there is peace (C)2003-2008, Bob K Mertz - Some Rights Reserved |