Sunday, November 05, 2006

Well, I have to say that yesterday was pretty freaking awesome!

I did absolutely NO work at all.... I met up with Josh and just gave him a tour of the data center and then I went down to Micro Center in fairfax to get a video card for my G5.... I walked around there for a while which is a dangerous thing for me but I only ended up getting a Radeon 9200 (yea, it's ATI but it all they had for Mac) and a USB hub... so I was pretty proud of myself. After that I stopped at a pet store to get some rock.... they didnt have much but I ended up actually hanging out with the people there... I think for something like 2 hours... it was really cool.... then I went home and Evan and I ended up going bowling.... It had been over a year since I had bowled but I was pretty impressed with myself.... I had a 190 and a 210.... We bowled alot more than that but it eventually became cosmic bowling so I just ended up playing around. I have to say I'm pretty sore today but thats ok :)

So... hopefully today will be just as much fun! I do have to stop at the data center after church but it should only be a 10 min stop.... lets hope for the best, right? :)

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