Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Yesterday was my second shift at Fox Mill.... today will be my third..... and I'm really liking the way things are working right now. I've noticed that I am much more relaxed and that I seem to be getting more accomplished. Sure, the money thing is still on my mind but its looking like I'm gonna just make it..... All I can really do is put it in God's Hands and let Him take care of it. I never thought the day would come that I would be waking up at 7am without my alarm even going off but it's a great feeling..... A really great feeling! One of the greatest things is that cell phones are not allowed to be on while your working in the store.... this means that I am completely separated from everything going on in IT Land which is something that is crucial for me.

So, yea, I'm really happy with the way things are right now!

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