Sunday, May 22, 2005

Some might say this is the day that kicks off my birthday week.... but i dont like that idea because i dont want this being the tone of the week.... we'll say it starts tomorrow. in some ways i want to write what happened but just like the day before tiff's graduation, i just want to never think about again. honestly tho the biggest reason is ive just learned that if i hide my pain from others its alot easier on everyone.

Why does trust have to be so hard?

(C)2003-2008, Bob K Mertz - Some Rights Reserved
Bro, if you don't feel like putting it on here and you want to get it out feel free to e-mail me.
I hope you cheer up and have a wonderful birthday! Sometimes you have to be able to get things out to feel a little bit of relief, however an online journal is certainly not the best place to do so, in my opinion. Hope things start lookin' up.
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